Please let us know if you know how to contact any of the following UA69ers! We have no contact information for them, and we're trying to update the class database as thoroughly as possible for our 55-year reunion.

We are especially in need of email addresses, since we want to communicate primarily by email.

Can you find any of these UA69ers? If so, please email Ellen Isaly Clark. Thank you!

is a great way to locate our lost classmates. If you would like the login and password, please email Ellen.
Mark Baden David Highsmith
Norm Baldwin Bruce Hurd
Susan Bodie Linda Kauffman
Bob Brayden Kieffer, Nancy (Bogosian)
Karen Bruno Karen Kroft
Mike Chapin Tom McCracken
Julie Cravens Edmonds Alan Mercer
Kathy Daneshvari Richard Miller
Susanna Davis Chuck Morris
Brian Diehl Belma Ozmen
Doug Donaldson Beverly Parrish
Joanne Eisenman Dan Porter
Deborah Evans Lin Powell
Margaret Fisher Becky Rankin Bower
Joe Fleming Janie Reed Thomas
Carina Freimanis Holmquist Patty Reilly Sevinski
Ann Gallagher Debbie Roberts Luce
Lisa Golden Konny Roberts Marlowe
Christopher Graham David L. Smith
Bob Graves Eric Smith
Pauline Grove Robert Stanley
Pete Haines John Thierman
Nancy Hale Nancy Trabue
Joyce Harper Mary Vercelli
Wayne Hay Bruce Watkins
Debbie Heil Bonnie Welch
  Kathy Wolfe
Email Ellen with any information about these classmates. Thank you.

Have you moved? Changed your phone number or email address? Changed your last name? We really want to keep the UAHS Class of 1969 database as complete and accurate as possible, and we depend on YOU to help us with this huge project. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS UA69 FORM.

Please send your updated information for the UA69 WEBSITE here.

Please also send your updated information to the UA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION here.








© 1999 - 2024 The Upper Arlington High School Class of 1969