35-YEAR REUNION: 2004    
UA Pub: July 1, 2004
Golf Tournament: July 2, 2004
LaScala Dinner Party: July 2, 2004
Memorial Service: July 3, 2004
UA High School Tour: July 3, 2004
Casual Party at Rose & Thistle: July 3, 2004
Picnic and Musical Gathering at Lane Road Park: July 4, 2004
Building the Float at Jim Long's Home: July 4, 2004
Riding in the Parade: July 5, 2004
UA Alumni Association Block Party and AWARDING OF THE PLAQUE for "Best Reunion Float"!
See Reunion Chairman Patrick Dynes' Message to the Classmates:
"Princes of the Olentangy and Princesses of the Scioto"   
See the classmates who served on the 2004 Reunion Committee
See the classmates who helped with donations and time
Our 2004 35-Year Reunion consisted of a series of meetings, parties and events, and we have pictures of all of them! We hope you'll look through these photo albums, enjoy the memories, and plan to attend our NEXT reunion!
Checking out party locations and some committee members: January 8, 2004
Committee meeting at Linda Miller's home: February 26, 2004
"Test Dinner" at La Scala: February 27, 2004
Evening at Mickey's, where we listened to Jamburger: March 12, 2004
Planning meeting at the Clarks' home: May 21, 2004
Preparation of the Alumni Garden for the Memory Tree: June 27, 2004
Post-Reunion Meetings : October 8 - 10, 2004
I wanted to thank everyone for their time and effort to make the float our greatest success to date. Jim Long can not get enough credit for having him home and family life invaded for three days straight. He also put up food and beverage at his expense. Kenny put his fine arts degree and soul into lettering and painting the tail fins and did a fabulous job of cranking out the tunes on the float with three unmarked cassette tapes, which ain't easy. Julie made the pictures and banners possible. She also secured and delivered the bear and smoke machine. Pat Caldwell powered up the power tools and completed the rough framing. Bruce Johnson stenciled and painted the year plaques. Fritz Reitter, Reitter Stucco, provided the flatbed truck and diesel fuel at no cost. Evan Jones, Jones Lumber, provided the lumber and labor to make all the flats to specification and had them delivered on time. Evan also provided and tipped our fabulous driver, Lloyd. Evan has stored our flats and stairs over the years and never asked for a dime. He also was there with Kenny during the entire construction time. And there were many more who helped build and stuff and sing and encourage.
I wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate all the hard work that you, Pat D., Ken P. and all the others who put the reunion activities together and pulled it off so successfully. You guys did a great job. I talked to a lot of people at the reunion who agree; through all your dedication and diligence you made it a very pleasurable experience. Well done. Thanks for keeping it all together for us on the website, I really enjoy the up to date info and pics. Like you, I'm still running high on energy created by the reunion. We are fortunate to have such a great class of people to share these memorable occasions.
I thought I posted this already but I didnt see it- I showed my kids the photos and taught them "Born to Be Wild" the background music for the Golf tournament pictures - they really responded to the tune - must be genetic. Nothing like looking at pictures of beloved classmates while two three year olds sing that song!

I just wanted to share one special moment with my classmates that I witnessed but that most of you did not have the pleasure of experiencing. This was the Atomic Wedgee that Jeff Torrence received after the awards presentation at the Golf Course at Dublin. During the entire awards presentation by Pat Caldwell, Jeff was yelling "Who wants to fight?" and "That guy is a faggot!" Pat continued gracefully but Jeff's disruptive behavior grated on the the rest of the stately and civil audience. After the presentation Scott Street and Mike Meily caught Jeff bending over to pick up some item and seized the opportunity! In spite of the pull of gravity, Jeff's feet separated from the earth as he seemed to enjoy the experience. The only regret that golf tourney participants had was that there was not a higher and more severe category of wedgee to be given and received. I was honored to observe this special moment of humiliation in classmate history.

What just happened with my classmates is still sinking in. Given how busy Ellen and I were making sure all went as well as possible, I have lots of unfinished conversations I need to follow up on. If you have not read my message to classmates posted on this we site please go to it and do so. I tried to think about what the reunion meant to me and reflect on what other classmates have said to me. This statement does not contain a quote that I started off my spoken comments with that I thought was particularly appropriate for our class--"Time Flies Like An Arrow, Fruit Flies Like a Banana." I attributed this statement to Moe Howard, one of the Three Stooges. Who knows who really said it. OK, I did encounter one of our classmates that I threw snowballs at and called names in Junior High School. He never mentioned anything about the incident and probably does not remember it. I will be embarrassed about my pathetic behavior till the day I die. He should have punched me! Please report all budding romances between classmates to Ellen or me.

Sorry I wasn't there but I was enjoying a lovely vacation in Venice and Verona Italy. I will make a point of being at the next one - God willing!
Well, here's my 2 cents. It was fabulous. I had sooo much fun. The dinner was yummy and the company was wonderful. Bev, you sounded great after dinner. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you. But I missed a lot of people. (now that I've review the photos) Saturday night was great, very casual, very friendly. Although I didn't get around to everyone, it was still nice to know, we haven't changed at all. Still young, beautiful people - kind of "Stepford". Ha, Ha!I love the idea of a cruise. With 150+ we could get a great deal, charter our own plane - it sounds like a plan. I can't wait!
Re: Cheryl Gray's comment on the deaths of classmates. I agree. Having spent almost 3 months researching, and trying to find families, I did begin by just being happy to find a relative, and did not ask how or when their son or daughter died, just invited them, and let them know that an invite (to our service) would be in the mail. As the wife of a Naval Aviator, I have lost over 30+ good friends and squadron mates in 17 years. With that experience, I did not mail anything out, without first speaking to a relative, to give them a heads up, so they weren't surprised by an invitation in the mail to a memorial for their loved one. I also did not ask, at first, how each died, I felt it would be too rude. However, some just opened up, upon hearing that we were doing a memorial, and told as much as they needed to tell. Later, on a rare occasion, I did end up as politely as is possible, asking the reason for their son's or daughter's death. I also gave to the reunion chairmen, the names in death date order, but, apparently the minister, or chairmen preferred to keep it in alphabetical order, for the service. There are good reasons for that also. A few classmates deaths were only a couple years ago, and if in date order that might have been very upsetting. So, I think a wise choice was made. I will put my compiled list, with what I do know, which is not a lot, but I will put it on the website, as I keep getting pop ups right now, and am having trouble writing at all. But, I do agree, so many of us were surprised at the number of deaths. There are still some families we never found. I sent out a couple emails to the classmates, requesting information, but, very few responded, and a couple so late, that we were out of time. Not everyone uses a computer, or email, and that really was the only way we could communicate. I also verified every death, with the Social Security Death Index, the State Death Index, and at my own expense I, joined ancestry.com, which provided a lot of information. Julie May Jones, went with me and we researched obits, through the Columbus Dispatch, since UA library pays the subscription fees to join the archived obits, and then searched further, by the micro film, to read actual obits. But, unfortunately even those rarely disclose information as to why. Except for two, Fred Shearer, who was a pilot, and died in an aircraft accident, most were not in the news. The other was Ted McNulty, who died in California in an auto accident. It will probably take me a day to go back through the information I kept, and I will add it to the website, message board, for everyone to see. Just remember, please, if I don't state a cause, it's because I didn't ask, and they didn't volunteer the information. But, like you Cheryl, I wanted to know, I don't know why, I do think it's more concern, than just morbid curiosity, but, I'll put forth what I have, as soon as I can, just check the regular ua69 message board. Thanks, Sue
As a class we have branched out. The winds of time have blown us like seeds to the far corners of the country. The weekend proved that no matter how far we have traveled, no matter what changes we have been through, and no matter what hand life has dealt us, we all came from the same seed bed. And, for that reason we have more in common with our classmates than we ever dreamed. The longer the reunion went on the more I saw not just the rekindling of old friendships,- that is expected - but also the beautiful interaction of people who rarely spoke to each other in high school. People who for the first 18 years of their lives thought that they had nothing in common with each other were enjoying each other's stories and each other's company. Thank you Pat, Ellen and other committee members for an unforgettable weekend. I'm sorry it had to end.
Steve Gray's wife - We did not have the opportunity of attending, however we are so impressed at all the hard work put into the festivities and the fabulous website!! You all deserve kudos galore and huge pats on your backs!! I graduated in 69 from Whetstone and I hate to say it, but you sure put us to shame!! Thank you so much for all your time and effort! Hope we can make the 40th! My class is having a 35th reunion cruise in October. What do you think of a 40th UA cruise? Also, I hope this doesn't sound "out of line" but it would be nice to know when and how the classmates who have passed away, died. So many, so young, I'm sure most of us would like to know. Thanks again and keep up the great work!!
I had a wonderful time- from the planning meetings to all the work leading up to the reunion. All of the events were great. I had fun reconnecting with old friends and getting to know others I had not known in high school. My 2 favorite moments- the wonderful turn out and meaningful memorial service;and the HUGE number of classmates present when the Float award was presented! What a wonderful group we all are. Thanks for the memories- Julie
Ellen, Pat, Randy, and to so many others, thanks so very much for all that you did to make OUR 35th Reunion - simply spectacular!!! The photos are great, the company was marvelous, and the memories - well, they will last forever!

I want to thank Pat, Ellen, Bill, and all the other people who worked so hard to make our reunion so much fun!! It was so well organized, and everyone seemed so genuinely happy to see each other. I think I started laughing the minute I arrived, and the fun didn't stop the entire weekend. My favorite moments were Brent and Bev singing at LaScala, and being able to reminisce with dear, lifelong friends. It really did seem like we just picked up where we left off in high school! The memorial service was a very touching and meaningful time to share together. I really enjoyed the tour of the school. That was the first time I had been in the building since 1969! Of course, just being with old (did I say old?) friends was the BEST!!! We do have an exceptional class with lots of talent and diversity. I can't wait for the 40th! :)
Reunion Committee.... Thanks for all the hard work, time and effort that went in to making our 35th such a grand success (even my husband had a good time). From driving the beverage cart at the golf tournament to La Scala's and on and on - it was the best! As everyone said it below, the memories will live on for quite some time. Our class rocks!





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